I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Secure Energy Informatics at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. I received the Ph.D. (Dr. techn.) degree from the University of Salzburg at the Department of Computer Sciences. Since 2019 I am the CTO of sproof GmbH, a company that develops solutions for digital signing.
Research and Publications
My research interest is on privacy and security in the smart grid, privacy-enhancing technologies and decentralized technologies.
I am teaching
- Internet Protocols and Services (IPD VL, UB),
- IT Security Engineering (ISE VL),
- Cryptography (KRY LB),
- Signals and Systems (SSY UB),
at the school of Information Technologies and Systems Management (ITS) and the school of Business Informatics and Digital Transformation (WIN) at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
Contact me if you are an ITS or WIN Master’s student and interested in writing your thesis in the field of privacy and security.
Invited Talks (Selection)
- “From What to Why: Putting Research into Practice”, Webinar at Nottingham Trent University, 2021, Nottingham, UK
- “Applications of Blockchain”, Webinar at FFHS 2020, Brig, Switzerland
- “Digitalization and Cybercrime: Introduction and Technology Overview”, ITG Digitalization and Cybercrime 2019, Salzburg, Austria
- “Applications of Blockchain from a Researcher’s Perspective”, Blockchain Workshop 2019, Salzburg, Austria
- “Privacy-enhancing Technologies in the Smart Grid User Domain”, Cyber Security Seminar at Technical University Delft 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
- “Privacy-preserving Operation of Blockchain Technology in the Smart Grid User Domain, Lorentz Workshop on In-Vivo Analytics for Big Software Quality 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands
- “Möglichkeiten und Limitierung der Blockchain aus Sicht der Forschung” (in German), Blockchain Workshop 2017, FH Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
- “Privacy-enhancing Technologies in the Smart Grid User Domain”, Young Researchers Day 2016, St. Johann im Pongau, Austria
- “Privacy-enhancing Technologies in the Smart Grid User Domain: Introduction, Background, Motivation and State of the Art”, UVT Webinar Privacy 2016, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Dr. Fabian Knirsch
Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH
Urstein Süd 1
5412 Puch/Salzburg
Tel: +43-(0)50-2211-1314
E-Mail: fabian.knirsch at en-trust dot at