For organzing a model-based development of Smart Grid Systems in a manageable way, we created a special tool: the SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Model) toolbox.
Our new toolbox enables the integration of the European Smart Grid Architecture Model in a Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) process. The European Smart Grid Architecture Model was realized by the European Commitee for Electrochemical Standardization within the framework of the European Standardization Mandate M/490. Thus, we support users in dealing with complex Smart Grid Systems.
“Besides providing support in the elementary steps of development as analysis, architecure, design and implementation, our toolbox offers a consistent and structured representation of the realizable systems and, at the same time, provides a basis for structured KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Evaluation”, explains Christian Neureiter, member of our research team and primarily responsible for the development.
Meanwhile the SGAM Toolbox has been approved by Sparx Systems as a 3rd party solution for Energy Systems. The toolbox initial version is offered as “free to use” (please just let us know you are using our toolbox and let us reference your logo/website here) and is available here.