Two thirds of all Austrian companies were victims of a cyber attack. This was the outcome of a study by the accounting firm KPMG. The study was presented on Tuesday, May 14th 2019 at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
According to a current study, every second company neglects the security of its computer systems. That is the case particularly with small and medium sized enterprises (SME), says Professor DI Dr. Dominik Engel, director of the Center for Secure Energy Informatics at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences: “Especially in SME cyber security sometimes comes off badly. In addition the employees and coworkers might not be so trained and do not have such a consciousness for IT-security yet.
Beside numerous interested participants from economics and research also State Secretary Karoline Edtstadler visited the meeting.
Report on Salzburg Heute, 14 May 2019: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Salzburg-heute/70019/Salzburg-heute/14013517
More about the KPMG study: https://home.kpmg/at/de/home/media/press-releases/2019/05/kpmg-cyber-security-in-oesterreich-2019.html