Seven JRC Master students graduate from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

JRZ Masterabsolventen Nov.2014_2This year, seven students wrote their theses at the Josef Ressel Center. Yesterday, they celebrated their graduation. Congratulations!





The students and their topics from left to right:

  • Felix MoserModellbasierte Entwicklung eines Demand Side Management Systems unter Verwendung des Smart Grid Architecture Models (SGAM)
    • Supervisor: Christian Neureiter
  • Gerfried SchweigerSmart Grid Sicherheit in IEEE1901.2 Netzwerken unter Berücksichtigung nationaler Datenschutzrichtlinien
    • Supervisor: Dominik Engel
  • Fabian KnirschGeneric Data Models and Semantic Retrieval in Smart Grid IT Infrastructures
    • University of Southern California, USA (Marshall Plan Grant)
    • Supervisors: Marc Frinu, Dominik Engel
  • Mike Pichler, Software Architektur für CEM-Systeme
    • Supervisor: Armin Veichtlbauer
  • David BruckerExperimentelle Bestimmung der Abhängigkeiten der Performance von NILM-Attacken auf TV-Geräte
    • Supervisor: Günther Eibl
  • Wolfgang LausenhammerUser-Centric Simulation of Demand Response Optimization
    • Bowling Green State University, USA (Marshall Plan Grant)
    • Supervisors: Robert C. Green, Dominik Engel
  • Christian PeerSecure Signal Processing for Smart Grid Privacy
    • Cornell University, USA (Marshall Plan Grant)
    • Supervisors: Stephen Wicker, Dominik Engel