Support our researchers! CSE researcher Fabian Knirsch and Clemens Brunner are nominated for the S&B Award of the Rudolf Sallinger Fonds with their FH-spin-off sproof. DerBrutkasten awards a special price on top ➡️VOTE FOR SPROOF!!!
Sproof – Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
From researchers for the industry
With sproof, a reserach project initiated at the Center for Secure Energy Informatics at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, CSE researcher Fabian Knirsch and Clemens Brunner developed together with their project partner Erich Höpoldseder a decentral system for digital document management. With this tool digital documents can be issued, managed and verified. This can be used for ID cards, certificates, transport documents or decentral public key infrastructure. Via the associated app, the documents can also be managed mobile.
The spin-off is part of the FHStartup Center of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.